Monday, March 14, 2011

Pare (Momordica charabtia) Stored a Million Benefits to Health.

Pare (Momordica charabtia), plant one is famous because of the bitter fruit. But, behind the bitter taste it turns stored a million benefits to health. Consider the chemical content in plant pare. The fruit contains albiminoid, carbohydrates, and colors, its leaves contain a momordisina, momordina, quarantine, resin, and fatty oil, while its roots are momordial acid and oleanolat acid. The seeds contain saponins, alkaloids, triterprenoid, and momordial acid.

Plant pare (Momordica charabtia) derived from Tropical Asia. It can be used to cure a particular disease and improve human health.

Pare belongs to plant shrubs a season, which extends life or vine, with a spiral-shaped tendrils. The leaves are single, hairy, Dent-shaped hands, and srigg all 10 cm. Flowers yellow-young. Its stem massive have five ribs, furry little rough when still young, but after the old bald, green color. Antidesma bunius, round fruit eggs lengthwise, the colors green, yellow to Orange, and it tastes bitter. Seed hard, yellowish-brown color.

The benefits of the fruit of Pare and Processing for your health

Benefits Of The Fruit
1. Dysentery

Provide 2 fresh fruit, wash then pare pieces. Add a quarter Cup of clean water, and then blended. •Brewing time and wring. Please drink 2 times a day.

2. Diabetes

Take 2 pieces of pare, wash and make porridge. Add half a glass of clean water. Stir and wring. A drink a day as much as 1 herb. Repeated for 2 weeks.

3. the removal of the breast milk

Take 1 piece of pare, wash clean, then boil a few minutes. Just Eat it like salad.

4. Boil

The fruit is used as a remedy beyond the pare. Take 1 fresh fruit was crushed. Apply on the part of the famous ulcers.

5. Bronchitis

Provide 2-3 fruits pare, then taken in her Sari. Give 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink once a day. Do for 3 months. This recipe is also good to cure anemia, inflammation of the stomach, a pain in the liver, painful menstruation, rheumatic, slimming and body.

Benefits Of Leaves
1. Boil and pinworm

Provide a fresh leaf Mobile 1, was given a quarter Cup of clean water, and blender. Filter with muslin. If necessary, add a little salt, aren sugar sufficiently, and lime. Drink once a day a quarter Cup. Done for 1 week.

2. fever of nifas

Take 3 fresh leaves, wash clean pare, and make as porridge. Add a glass of water and a little salt, then •brewing time. Wring and strain, then drink 2 times a day as much as a half-glass.

3. the removal of the breast milk

Provide 2 leaves pare then heat a few moments. Compress on the breast.

4. Pain in the heart

Provide 6 grams of fresh leaves of the pare, 5 grams of Rhizome temulawak, and 110 ml of water. Boil all the ingredients for 15 minutes, then strain with muslin, and wring. Drink once a day. Repeat for the next 2 weeks.

5. Hair Fertile

Grab some strands of leaves of fresh, clean washing pare and squeeze-squeeze. Simply slice to the scalp.

6. Cough

Choose 7 leaves of fresh, then pare •brewing time with 2 tablespoons of clean water. After that, production method and strain. Drink 2 times a day.

7. the scars

Wash clean handful fresh, then leaves pare make porridge. Add a little hot water, then squeeze. Mix the juice with 2 tbsp rice flour and stir until evenly distributed. Apply on the scarred every day.

8. Hemorrhoids

Take 5 leaves pare fresh, add a quarter Cup of water, bring to a boil and wring. Take 3 tablespoons juice, then mixed with a glass of liquid yogurt. Drink every morning.

9. Infertility

Provide 27 grams of fresh juice leaves pare, 7 grain black pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, and 27 grams of sugar. All the ingredients are crushed, and then add a glass of clean water. Bring to a boil and wring. Drink the juice every day for 3-4 months.

10. Skin diseases

Make 1 cup juice leaves pare. How, take the 3 strands of leaves pare plus one half cup of water. Bring to a boil and wring. Mix the juice of grains with a dollop of lemon juice. Drink once a day.

11. Low night

Leaves essence of pare smeared around the eyes.

Benefits Of Root
1. Dysentery Amoeba

Grab a handful of root pare, add a glass of clean water. Bring to a boil and wring. Drink once a day.

2. Hemorrhoid

Take the root of the pare, wash clean, thus make porridge. Apply this herb in Hemorrhoid.

Nutrient content of the fruit pare in 100 grams:

1. Calorie 29.00 cal
2. Protein 1.10 gr
3. Fat 0.30 gr
4. Carbohydrates 6,60 gr
5.300.00 mg Calcium
6. Phosphorus 64,00 mg
7. iron 1.40 mg
8. Vitamin A 180.00 SI
9. Vitamin B 0.08 mg
10. Vitamin C 52,00 mg
11. Water 91,20 gr

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