Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Benefit Apium Graveolens

Apium graveolens or celery indeed has known many benefits for health. Not only the leaves that have efficacy, root, fruit and celery seed also can be used as medicine.

Root celery nutritious spur digestive enzymes and deciduous pee (diuretics), the fruit or the seeds as a reliever seizures (antispasmodic), lowering the blood levels of uric acid, antirematik, fart, pee, deciduous (carminative), aphrodisiac, and tranquilizer (sedatives).

Celery contains flavonoids, saponins, tanin derivative 1 per cent, volatile oil 0,033%, flavoglukosida, apigenin, choline, lipase, asparagines, bitter substances, as well as vitamins A, B, and C.

Every 100 grams of the leaves of celery contains water as much as 93 ml 0.9 grams, protein, fat 0.1 grams, carbohydrates 4 g, fiber 0.9 grams, 50 mg of calcium, iron, 1 mg, 40 mg of phosphorus, iodium 150 mg, potassium 400 mg, magnesium 85 mg, vitamin A 130 IU15 mg, vitamin C, riboflavin 0.05 mg, thiamine 0.03 mg, NICOTINAMIDE 0.4 mg.

Its roots contain starch, asparagin, mucus substance, essential oils, pentosan, glutamine, and tyrosine. The seeds contain oil evaporates, apiin, fire genin, and alkaloids.

Granting of celery extracts by way of wring showed a decrease in blood pressure of cats. Alkaloid contained in celery seed has the effect of sedatives and anticonvulsant in mice. The oil evaporates in the seeds of this plant can inhibit the growth of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, and Candida albicans.

To remedy that drink, 30-40 sheets of boiled celery leaves and drink. Alternatively, 1.3 – 3.9 grams of boiled celery seed in low heat for 3 hours, then the water is potable. For external, milled fresh leaves until smooth, then DAB on ulcers or inflamed body parts. Benefits of celery:

1. Fertilize Hair
How: Wash 7-10 sprigs celery leaves, and then mashed up clean until smooth. After shampooing, rub the collision leaves of celery to the scalp and hair evenly while massaged lightly. Once finished, wrap the hair with a towel for approximately 1 hour. Rinse the hair with clean water. Do once a week.

2. Lowering of cholesterol
How: Wash 30 grams root celery to clean, then boiled in 2 glasses of water to clean up the remaining 1 Cup. After cool, strain. The water is drunk all at once.

3. Overcoming Allergies
How: take 2 stalks of celery, 1 carrot pieces, medium-size and 1 piece of medium-size beets, wash clean, then blended. Drinking the juice of the stomach is empty at the time. Do twice a day.

4. Reduce Colic
How to: Provide 60 grams of fresh celery, 1 segment finger hand ginger red, and a piece of brown sugar. Simmer in 2 glasses of water to the remaining 1 Cup. After the water drunk cold strain, all at once.

5. Relieving Cough
How: Wash 30 grams of fresh celery, cut into pieces. Boil in 3 glasses of water to the remaining 1 Cup. After cool, strain. If you like, add honey. Use this herb to twice the drink, morning and afternoon.

6. Treating Bronchitis
How: Wash 60 grams of fresh celery, 10 grams of dried mandarin orange skin, and 25 grams of brown sugar to clean. After being cut into pieces, put in a pot, add 3 cups email clean water and boil until the remaining half of it. After cool, strain and its watershed is divided to two times the drink, morning and afternoon. Lower Blood Pressure
How: Wash 100 grams of whole celery until clean, then mashed until smooth. Add 1 cup of warm water, then filtered. After a cold, for twice the drink, morning and afternoon.

8. Overcoming the Dry Eyes
How: Eat fresh leaf celery. Do every day.

9. Treat Rheumatism
How: Wash 30-40 pieces of celery leaves, and then flush with hot water. Eating as a vegetable salad. Do twice a day.

1 comment:

  1. Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings
    I have a question for you is whether celery leaves contain an alkaloid and what is his name and I hope to respond quickly
    Thank you sincerely


thanks for the leave a wise comment