Saturday, March 12, 2011

External and Internal Hemmorhoids and What It Cause

External hemorrhoids are varicose veins below the muscle that is generally associated with the skin. Usually this looks swell swollen hemorrhoid bluish on the edge of the anus-pain and itching. The main triggers of hemorrhoids is actually very simple, i.e. when hard bowel movements, forced to out that feces. In addition, work seized a lot of time sitting, standing, lifting a heavy-weight and pregnancy can also lead to hemorrhoids.

Some types of food that is stimulating, such as chili and spices can trigger hemorrhoids. Because of the substance in food made easy widens the blood vessels. Chronic diarrhea disease also can cause hemorrhoids. When the diarrhea, we throw the water over and over again, so the blood vessels are widened and covered by the mucous membranes, skin, connective tissue or too dirt and infected.

Hemorrhoids is hereditary. If the parents have hemorrhoids, then the child is also risky exposed to hemorrhoids, but his presentation was not dominant. Only about 10 ­ 15 percent.

Basically the hemorrhoids can strike anyone and of various layers of age, except of course with different outer hemorrhoid hemorrhoids in. Because it is outside of and not traversed dirt, his complaint is pain or pain due to blood vessels are broken. After the break, the blood is not out but accumulates and becomes trombus (blood clot). Sometimes hemorrhoids broke, but still prominent and a blood clot.

Actually, almost 50 ­ 60 percent of the adult human has hemorrhoids. However, not all sufferers of hemorrhoids need treatment. If the hemmorhoids is not great, just bloody 2 or 3 months and no complaints. But when it's a pain, pain, often bloody and bulge feels disturbed, just need to be treated.

Children usually are not exposed to hemorrhoids, if children are difficult to dispose of the water and out of the blood, it is usually because of cuts in the anus. If no blood dripping and just sticking to the stool. It could also have a polyp (meat grown) Sprig Red that is in the area of the anus. A polyp is innate. When a hard pass polyp stool, then sometimes bloody.

Not All Hemorrhoids Dissection

There are 2 kinds of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids in hemorrhoids and beyond. Both are equally dangerous. On hemorrhoids, blood vessels covered by the mucous membranes of the wet in the anus. Originally the hemorrhoids in are not visible from the outside, but when it's enlarged can stand out. Common symptoms of hemorrhoids in is out of blood if waste water, because the protrusion hemorrhoids which stuck to the wall in the anus by stool that is hard to get out. Specifically for hemorrhoid in, there are several stadium, namely:

1. Stage 1, bulge is still small and not yet out. Symptoms, blood dripping every exhausted defecation.
2. Stage 2, the bulge was out but not so great. The symptoms, after defecation, bulge out, but will go back when the sufferer is in standing position.
3. Stage 3, the bulge was larger. The symptoms, after a waste water to bulge out and not make again. So to be pressed and are encouraged to use the hand.
4. Stage 4, bulge can of tennis balls. The bulge cannot be pushed in, and should be operated on.

While at hemorrhoids, the skin covering the blood vessels. Due to its position outside the rectum, hemorrhoids out more easily visible. Common symptoms of hemorrhoids out certainly different to hemorrhoids. "Due to being out and not traversed dirt, his complaint is pain or pain due to blood vessels are broken. After the break, the blood is not out but accumulates and becomes trombus (blood clot). Sometimes hemorrhoids broke, but still prominent and a blood clot.

The difference between the tumor and Hemorrhoids

The first step if it had one complaint toilets are directly check to the doctor. In addition heard complaints, the doctor will also check with the technique of plug in the rectum. This technique is the first level examination and the most important. The trick is to insert a finger into the anus hygienic gloves hand patients. If hemorrhoids, generally not palpable lump. While if the tumor, will be directly palpated.

After that, for more to make sure, conducted checks to use anuscop, a tool like the hose along the 20 cm 2 cm in diameter and have a light at the end. Anuscop inserted into the rectum of the patient to see if the patient is suffering from hemorrhoids or tumors.

If patients suffer from hemorrhoids and still in the stage light, the most efficacious medicine is changing the pattern of life.
Expand fibrous food intake, drinking lots of water is white and routine exercise. So, the pattern of regular bowel movements will be coming out and the mass of feces is not hard. On the deficiency of fiber and leads to hemorrhoids, the mass of feces to be too few to be driven out by the intestinal peristalsis. Therefore, fibrous food should be consumed at least 30-35 grams per day.

In addition to multiply your intake of fiber, sports, for example the road casually or swim, was very important. With sports, blood circulation

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