Thursday, April 28, 2011

Benefit of Momordica charantia

It turns out that behind the taste is bitter, Momordica charantia save million particular benefits for the health of the human body. Fruit containing Albiminoid, carbohydrates and colourants.Its leaves contain a bitter, fatty acid oil, dammar, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1 and C contained in pare, serves to keep the beauty of the skin.I.e. Keep skin damage caused by the sting of utra violet.This means it can prevent the emergence of pare black stain and wrinkles on the face.While its roots are momordial acid and aleonolat acid. While the seeds contain saponins, alkaloids, triterprenoid, and momordial acid.

Few Countries especially Japan, Korea and china. In addition to food, pare also utilized for the treatment. The levels of calcium in pare is high, so being able to raise the production of beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin. When insulin in the body of sufficient, glucose levels may be prevented, so that levels of glucose in the blood will be normal or be controlled. The phytochemicals compound lycopene and lutein in pare nutritious as anti-cancer, antibiotic, antiviral, stimulating the production of insulin, stabilization of blood pressure and blood sugar levels, stimulating the appetite and intestinal worm control.In pare also discovered a substance on the pare, i.e. compound anti HIV-AIDS.This substance is called alpha-momorchorin, beta-momorchorin and MAP 30 (Momordica antiviral protein 30).Nutritious substances found in many seeds pare. In America, the capsule containing powdered seeds pare already commonly marketed. These drugs can put a halt to the development of recognized HIV/AIDS. Thanks to the therapy of pare, the HIV-AIDS in Thailand and the United States seem more clinically healthy and weight increased. No exaggeration it, if the experts in the medical world is optimistic in 10 years, would found the drug to combat HIV-AIDS.

The pare which has benefits include:

Fruit pare

Pare are still used as a cure diabetes, digestive, antimalaria, jaundice and bronchitis.

Leaf pare

The leaves are also not less important pare with his men. some of the benefits leaves pare, which can cure a cough, lower heat, deadly pinworm, treating ulcers, and is useful also to cleanse blood for women recent childbirth.

The root of the pare

In addition to the fruit and leaves, pare which is also beneficial for treating diseases, is the root. The root of pare nutritious to treat dysentery Amoeba and hemorrhoids.

Seed pare

Seed pare antioxidant, is a pretty strong that can inhibit the formation of cancer cells, prevents premature aging.

How the treatment using fruit pare, among others:

Diabetes or diabetes

Prepare 200 grams of fruit pare which have been washed and sliced thin-thin. Boil with 3 glasses of water to the remaining 1 Cup. Drinking water is the daily stew.

Intestinal Worms

• Brewing time 7 grams leaves pare with hot water chill and strain the water. Add one tablespoon of honey, drink before breakfast.


Take the 3 pieces of fresh leaves, wash clean pare, and porridge. Add a glass of water and a little salt and • brewing time. Wring and strain and drink 2 times a day as much as a half-glass.


Grab a handful of leaves wash and boil pare, together with 3 glasses of water to the remaining one glass. Chill, drink until cured.

Amoeba Dysentery

COB 300 grams root pare which had been washed clean and cut into pieces. Hard-boiled with three glasses of water to the remaining one last drink glass. Add a little sugar if necessary.


Porridge: the root of pare had been washed clean up finely. Apply this concoction on hemorrhoids.


Provide two pare, and then take in essence. Add a tablespoon of honey. Drink once a day do for three months. This herb is also good to cure anemia, inflammation of the stomach, a pain in the liver, painful menstruation, rheumatic and slimming body.

Though pare nutritious high and can treat various diseases, however for pregnant women, is not recommended to consume pare. The reason pare, containing compounds can abort. In addition, the limit also consumption of pare in children, due to pare can lower the levels of sugar in the blood. Concerned about child's sugar levels will be decreased, but shrank or sugar plays a role in important in the growth of the child.

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