Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Herbal Eye Drops

Herbal Aini

Aini is a herbaceous herb eye drops consisting of a special honey-formulated with kitolod (Longiflora or Laurentia Isotoma Longiflora) and other herbs containing the active ingredient and is very effective to maintain eye health.
Natural honey contained in Herba aini has a positive impact on the eye treatment process.Beside it provide vitamins A and C directly to eyes.For repair nerve cells and eye lens, honey also acts as a natural preservative that is safe for use for long periods of time.

Herba Aini efficacious to cleanse the eyes, healthy eyes, tighten the eye nerve, eye normalize (-),(+) and cylinder, and overcome interference cornea, cataract and glaucoma.
3 US $ contents 15gr
* After dripped into the eyes, will feel the painful moment, it is a positive reaction massage from forehead to ear
* To get the maximum results can help with carrot juice


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