With Reiki level II attunement was only kundalini will stir up and energy kundalini on that open from the roll easily will be able to flow along the chakra sushumna to get out of the Crown. The energy kundalini will do the cleaning up continuously, erode the shit-shit that are along the sushumna and dragging the muck-muck up for expulsion from the crown chakra.
So with the Reiki attainment you will gain real benefits that your kundalini rising immediately so that you can do exercises kundalini energy to clean up the line and chakras safely so your spiritual will increase, and also you will get a beneficial energy channeling technique for heal yourself and others from physical diseases, mental and emotional.
There is one more thing that attract the learned in Reiki which is about the heart. A heart that is the key to our relationship to God. The benefits are very noticeably is the practitioner will be able to pray with better fit the religion of each, may be more use in everyday life so it can be more relaxed and calm in everyday life.
Reiki attainments and clearing Crown Chakra opening exceeds all other traditions Rei Ki attainments. This can be seen clearly as a clairvoyant. The crown chakra attainments Reiki open bigger and looks cleaner.
Reiki Attainment is cleaning up the sushumna we freely.
Cleaning up the sushumna when attunement starts from the basic Chakra Chakras Crown up, unlike the attunement of other traditions Rei Ki only reaches the heart chakra.
• Attainment Reiki instantly connect one with the divine light. What does all this? The key to human relationship with the creator's heart, then surely with Reiki heart we are connected to the creator through the light and Love. But, just as we open hearts (at a minimum when applying heart) then the light Divine (Lord) can work well. There are some simple steps that so effective that we can do to feel things described above. The steps are as follows:
Relax, smile ... touch ... in the middle of the chest heart ... ... close your eye ...smiles to heart
If you can feel your heart blossom and tranquility/peace from your heart, then you can continue to point 3
With still close my eyes, relax and smile to heart ..., channeled the energy of Reiki at least 1 minute, then navigate both palms to heart in the chest during at least 2-3 minutes. You can feel how thanks to flow into your heart as light light, beautiful and fun. The longer you supply, will be increasingly felt your heart becomes increasingly light, flourishing, beautiful and fun. DO IT for/AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE so that your hearts are becoming increasingly large, lightweight, beautiful and bright in life sehari2..Of course your relationship to the Lord God will also be improved.
Because the purpose of human life is to become closer to God the Almighty, ... are there more important things than can be closer to God?
Only the awakening of Kundalini Reiki is instantly, useful for the advancement of the health and spiritual
Practice the use of the heart, not just the theory of the heart, for happiness, health and spiritual.
Read this Book for More Iformation
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