Turi leaves the stem woody and hard, white flowers. Diseases which can be treated with leaf is::
Dizziness, thrush, dysentery, diarrhea, scabies, chicken pox, sprains, shock, cough, headache, sore throat, puerperal fever, milk production, runny nose, cough, rheumatism, wounds;
Bark benefits (especially the base):
- Sprue
- Dysentery, diarrhea
- Scabies
- Chicken pox
- Fever
- Headaches
- Sprain
- Bruising due to hit (hematite)
- Wounds
- Whitish (from Trichomonas vaginalis)
- Cough
- Runny nose, headache
- Increase the milk production
- Puerperal fever
- Sore throat
- Increase and accelerate spending on breast milk
- Nasal mucus
- Rheumatic pain (Rheumatism)
- Coughing up phlegm
Utilization for healing:
- Headache:
- Sprue
- Thrush, sore throat:
Used to gargling.
- Sore throat:
After chilling filtered, the water used to rinse his mouth.
- Dysentery:
boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup, after
cold filtered, then drink. Perform 2 times daily.
Fingernail swelling caused by tripping or hit:
Leaves taste washed and finely ground. Place over
diseased nail and surrounding skin, then wrapped. Replace 2-3 times
a day. Freeze the blood under the nail will be lost and the pain will decrease.
- Whitish:
then finely ground. Add 3 / 4 cup water, stirring evenly
then squeezed and filtered, drinks. Perform 2 times daily.
- Cough:
then finely ground, add the juice of a lemon.
Toss well, then squeezed and filtered, drinks.
- Cough with phlegm:
add 1 / 2 cup cooking water and 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir until
evenly, then squeezed and filtered with a piece of cloth. Drink.
Breast enhancer:
a. Turi young leaves steamed, eaten mature.
- Stiff:
add a little water until it becomes dough like mush.
Rub the body gets sick.
- Chicken pox, fever with skin eruption:
After chilling filtered, drinks.
- Runny nose, headache:
- Childbed fever:
Add 3 / 4 cup water and a little salt. Squeezed and filtered.
Benefits of Interest: skin softener, laxative, conditioning. Bark: Reduce pain (analgesic), fever (anti piretic), laxatives,astringent, vomiting stimulant, tonic. Leaves: liquefy blood clots, relieve pain, mild laxative, laxative urine (diuretic).
Bark contains: Tanin, egatin, zantoagetin, basorin, resin, calcium oxalate, sulfur, peroxide, dye.
The leaves contain: Saponins, tannins, glikoside, peroxidase, vitamin A and B. Flowers: Calcium, iron, sugars, vitamins A and B.
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