Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Benefit of Avocado and Leaves

Avocado Benefits and Leaves

This exotic fruit has a Latin name Persea americana. Fruit is very delicious and fragrant. Suitable for fresh dessert or drink (beverage). There are so many benefits of this avocado, among others:
Lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack, because the avocado is the only fruit that is rich in fat, even levels more than twice the fat content in durian.
Fats avocado helps reduce levels of "bad cholesterol" or LDL cholesterol and raise "good cholesterol" or HDL.
Mineral source of potassium, but low in sodium content. This comparison is encouraging alkaline conditions in the body.
Avocados are high in folic acid and vitamin E is high, so as to reduce hypertension
Can help facilitate blood flow and blood sugar control

Avocados contain vitamin E of 3.4 mg/100 gr. Avocado fat is dominated by a single unsaturated fatty acid is oleic acid is a single, powerful antioxidants.
Avocados also contain lots of minerals potassium, but low levels of sodium. Avocado contains almost no starch, less sugar but contains a lot of fiber.

Avocado fruit and leaves contain saponins, alkaloids and flavonoida, and tannins. Avocado leaves contain poly-phenols, quersetin, and sugar alcohols. Avocados also contain beta-carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin E, and vitamin B-complex is abundant in avocados.

Traditional recipe:

  • To lower cholesterol and triglycerides can be a way to consume ½ - 1 ½ ripe avocado. How to use: Fruit ripe avocado optimal eaten in fresh form, the consumption is done every day.
  • Kidney stones : 7 pieces of fresh avocado leaves; water 110 ml, Made by infusion or poured boiling water, drink 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml
  • Abdominal pain and dysentery :Avocado 5 g fresh leaves; key retrieval rhizome fresh 5 g, 6 g of fresh turmeric rhizome; Rasuk wind 1 / 2 g; fresh gotu kola leaves 6 g; Water 115 ml, Made by infusion or poured boiling water, drink 1 time a day 100 ml.
  • Urinary stones: 4 pieces of avocado leaves, 3 pieces of rhizome grass puzzles, 5 stalk leaf cottonwoods, half-nut seeds, 1 nutmeg, 3 finger palm sugar, then boil with 3 cups of water until reduced one quarter. After chilling filtered and drunk. A day 3x3 / 4 cup.
  • Hipertension: 3 pieces of washed leaves brewed with 1 cup hot water. After a cold drink.
  • Dry facial skin: the fruit is made porridge, used as a mask.
  • Sick of cavities: avocado seed powder incorporated in a hollow tooth.
  • Swelling due to inflammation: from seed powder added to taste with clean water until embership porridge, then smeared on a swollen body parts.
  • Diabetes: avocado baked beans and then cut into small pieces. Pieces boiled with water till golden brown. After chilling filtered and drunk.
  • When the tea and avocado mixed fruit, can relieve headaches, pain in the stomach, airway swelling, nerve pain (neuralgia) and irregular menstruation.

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